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Ways One Can Improve SEO

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Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing Google to Deliver Results or it’s Free!

GreenBananaSEO is a full-service digital marketing agency unlike other Google optimization companies. While other companies focus on impressions:

optimize for google

We focus on conversions

Those valuable actions that drive your bottom line.

Improving of the search engine optimization drives is very important. This should go along with increased usability as well. there are various ways in which one can arrive into improving this ranking of the search drive engine in a particular business running.

The average American spends 5.4 hours a day on their phone. – Provision Living

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Our Experts will Fully Analyze the  Current State of Your SEO Offering

There are simply items we look at such as: Is your website SEO friendly? Did you choose a layout that is customer friendly or did you design your website in a manner that you believed would allow your site to rank well on Google?

There are also more in depth factors we look at that greatly impact how Google looks at your website.

At GreenBanana SEO begin each campaign by conducting a thorough analysis of your company’s website based on SEO factors disseminated by the top SEO companies in the world.

Custom Content Created for You.

At GreenBanana, our SEO and marketing experts analyze every aspect of the web pages that achieve a first page ranking on Google, leaving nothing on the table. As such, we know that our relentless analysis of every relevant SEO factor available allows us to utilize search engine optimization techniques that have been proven to increase a website’s Google SEO rankings for the benefit of our customers.

The fact is, creating and posting fully optimized custom content on your website is one the most important aspects of SEO. According to Google’s guidelines, “Creating compelling and useful content will likely influence your website more than any of the other factors discussed here.”

On-Page Optimizations

On-Page SEO techniques share an interconnected relationship with Off-Page techniques and vice versa. Every improvement, change, or addition you make to your company’s website can improve your website’s rankings on all search engines, but the key to effective on-site SEO is being thorough and paying attention to even the smallest details of each web page or your personal or business website.

Our SEO experts have spent years analyzing, and dissecting every element that affects a website’s SEO performance. This analysis has allowed our search engine optimization experts to utilize their on-page skills to build highly ranked websites for businesses all over the world, and now, we are ready to help you!

Some of these methods that should be employed to achieve this increased usability as well as ranking includes the following.

Useful, high quality, relevant content. The length of the time that web user takes when viewing the company information should be considered. Finding theta people do not take much of their time paying attention to the particular business information, something should be improved. The only thing that can be used in order to enable them spend much of their time on the web page is through use of content. In this cases, it is necessary to ensure that there is an average content of two thousand to two thousand five hundred words. This will be helping ranking the business in the highest position possible. Also, having high quality useful content will make the user to make bookmarks of the context to the chrome hence enabling the better ranking of the business.

Page load speed. Loading of the web page should not take time once the user has logged-in. taking of length time while loading pages on the internet will discourage the user to view the content of the page. Therefore, it is good to raise the bounce rate and on the hand reduces that number of pages to be viewed. Increasing of the load time can be done through use of the caching plugs-in, cleaning the codes and streamlining them, optimizing the image size and reducing plug-ins as well as minimizing the redirects.

Image optimization and header tags. Use of keywords for the image name is one of the ways of making relevancy to the engine improvement. On the hand, it is necessary to use header tags on the specific web site. A well-formatted content will help in easy reading of the website as well as addition of experience to the customers. It catches the attention of the reader hence they are capable of viewing the web page as many times as possible. Breaking up of the content into relevant section can be made possible through uses of header tags and it is thus easy for one to read the web page with a lot of simplicity.

Outbound links. In case of additional information or rather contents, it is nice to get linked out to authority site to gather more relevant context. This cation will also increase the particular web page to be trusteed as well as signaled to google thus improving the search engine optimization drives. Another way that can improve the SEO drives is use of different multimedia. Use of images, videos and slide show will also increase the users experience thus a desired for the products on large quantities. Be keen on noting these factors will help one in coming up a with a such SEO tool that is improved.

We Offer More Than Other Digital Companies

GreenBananaSEO offers more tools and tactics than geofencing for digital display. While other geofencing companies in our industry focus on just geofencing, GreenBananaSEO is a full-service agency using a combination of the latest tactics to help clients.

Retargeting will send ads to people after they’ve been on your website. This keeps your business top of mind and is often the last push people need to go from prospect to customer.

Keyword search campaigns show ads to people based on their search behavior. Target people based on keywords they query that are applicable to your organization.

Contextual targeting places ads on websites focused on specific content, topics and categories. Selling women’s shoes’ Send your ads to websites about fashion and shopping.

Whitelists and blacklists let you cherry-pick the actual websites on which you want your ads to either appear (whitelists) or not appear (blacklists). A whitelist campaign is one way to target people by demographics such as age, gender, income, interests and occupation.

At GreenBananaSEO, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all canned solutions like other geofencing companies might do. We take a holistic approach to digital marketing that other geofencing companies just won’t. While we’re happy to run just a geofencing campaign, we know it can take a combination of digital display campaigns to reach the ultimate goal of conversions.

Our Focus Sets Us Apart From Other SEO Companies

Everything we do – from SEO to email to website design – is done with conversions in mind. Unlike other white label geofencing companies, our programs excel when goals are identified and tracked as conversions. Once you identify what your goal or goals are, we’ll set up the conversion tracking and optimize your programs to find users most likely to convert, i.e. achieve the goal(s). Other white label geofencing companies will tell you that site traffic and clicks are great, but we know that conversions are really all that matter.

Like What You See?

Let GreenBananaSEO help you with your geofencing and overall display advertising needs; don’t rely on other white label geofencing companies preaching impressions and clicks when conversions are what matter. Give us a call at (978) 338-6500 or email us at sales@greenbananaseo.com to get your display advertising started today.

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Need more than just Search Engine Optimization? Other marketing services we offer are:

  • SEM
  • Social
  • Display
  • SEO
  • Web
  • Visitor Tracking
  • Call Tracking
  • Sensitve Advertising such as: CBD, Cannibus, Vape
  • Analysis

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About GreenBananaSEO

GreenBananaSEO is a full service agency providing search engine optimization (SEO), online advertising, website development, and everything in between. GreenBananaSEO finds the right digital advertising recipe for each client, rather than forcing clients into canned solutions like another agency might do. With every client, GreenBananaSEO focuses on conversions, which are meaningful actions that drive your business. Conversions can be online inquiries, leads coming through your door, or ecommerce sales. GreenBananaSEO is passionate about connecting the right people to your business every day. With us, the future is ripe with possibilities.

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